Monday, September 30, 2019


Assignment 1. 1 Communication Process Model 1. 1 Communication Process Model A misunderstanding I experienced communicating with a co-worker at work. Misunderstanding 1 Who was the sender? Myself Who was the receiver? Another co-worker What was the message? Was to lack and inspect the Air plane lack system that holds the cargo pallets. What channel was used to send the message? Verbal face to face communication What was the misunderstanding that occurred? Coworker didn’t understood my instructions because of the commotion, loudness and the amount of cargo that need to be loaded as we were doing everything fast and there was not enough time.How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? We should have had a time to stop and listen to each other to convey the message. Cite meaningful understanding rather than a general or less material misunderstanding. Use business- or work-related examples. Identify the roles of the sender and receiver, such as manager, peer, subordinate, c lient, vendor, and so forth. 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? What I learned from this activity was that the when communicating to someone the process is not as easy as it looks when relaying the message to a received correctly.My position was to stop and ask the coworker to just regroup to have meeting which allowed me to tell him to correct any problems or issue that he can make when inspecting the lacks as this is critical to an aircraft can cause a major problems. It also give me understanding that when you give directions as to what and how something works you need to send a message clearly to a receiver. The coworker because of the time and commotion he did not inspected and didn’t receive my message clearly. The communication needed more time an understanding. 2.What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? The main cause of the misunderstanding was all the commotion in the ramp where all aircrafts are park as we h ave many people assigned to a plane. Neither one of us took the time to stop and listen to each other which created difficulties to the loading of the aircraft. At the end we came to a conclusion that we needed to communicate more within the employees and management to have a meeting or PCM every morning before everything start to have a communication process and eliminated a great deal of problems and misunderstandings.Misunderstanding 2 Who was the sender? Manager Who was the receiver? Myself What was the message? Promotion with same schedule. What channel was used to send the message? Verbal communication What was the misunderstanding that occurred? That I was being promoted to lead loader but would still need to have to work on the weekends as many departures took place, but as I had spoke to him before I need it the weekends off for my Family. How could the misunderstanding have been avoided?My Manager did not quite understand my point. He also needed to explain his communicati on more clearly. 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? This activity taught me that people need to communicate properly and clearly. I was promoted to lead loader from just coordination of loading since I was the last person to be promoted then, discovered that I was expected to keep working on the weekends so other team could schedule off. 2.What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? The main cause of the misunderstanding was management communication was not clear to me since before I had asked for the weekends off to be with my family even dough I was being promoted. It took me more talks with HR and upper management to resolve this issue. The problem could have been avoided if manager could have been more clearer and explain why he wanted me to work on the weekends this could have avoided me to talk to other upper managers

Sunday, September 29, 2019

International Trade and Finance Speech

Economics Paper 5 International Trade and Finance Speech Financial Pitfalls 2 Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, good afternoon to you all. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak to you this today on such an important topic – our economy. Our economy is in crises mode. To say that our economy has slowed down would be an understatement. The economy, to date, has taken a step backwards and the direction we are heading will take us from a record long-lasting recession to an all-out financial depression. Americans consume far more goods than we produce on a monthly basis.What that means, simply put, is that we continue to build more debt and get poorer with every passing month. Think of it like this – the average person goes through a certain amount of managed stress each day. When outside stress, or variables are added to daily stress it places more pressure on the body and mind. If this outside stress isn’t dealt with or managed, and as more is adde d, the body will either explode or shut down. Our economy is like the average person’s body. Most of us do not understand the current economic state of affairs.Not that we wouldn’t be able to comprehend the status, but most are unaware, as the media and national political heads are sheltering Americans from the truth and not diving in to the true issues at hand. We currently have a surplus of imports in our great nation. This should be of no surprise to us – countries that we currently hold the largest amount of deficit through imports are: †¢China †¢Mexico †¢Japan Financial Pitfalls 3 With the Chinese enjoying a spike in export capital over nearly past ten years, they have become a giant on the global economic scene.On a closer level, one that strikes the heart of every American man and woman, the impact of this surplus is being felt in our automotive industry – the true backbone of this great country. China has grown into an auto-parts mo nster as they have increased over 900 percent in exports since the beginning of the century. How are they doing this? By producing quality parts at a cheaper rate is nothing new but the Chinese are being criticized by many for benefitting from illegal currency manipulation which leads to unfair trade policies.These policies pose a real threat to American automotive jobs in the near future. International trade has a significant effect on the Gross Domestic Product. The GDP is the true market worth of officially recognized goods or services produced in a country. Think about this for a moment – if you were to go into a department store and found two shirts that were identical in color, material and stitch but one was priced ten dollars higher than the other. Which one would you choose? Easily you would pick the cheaper product and that is the issue American consumer’s face each day.Larger corporations have the ability to mass-produce products and pay their workers far le ss than those here in the states. They do this across the globe in what is called slave labor. As a result, there are fewer jobs available in the United States, more across the globe, and more goods being imported into the country and a more dramatic effect on our economy. Financial Pitfalls 4 We have exhausted our means to generate additional income for our nation through tariffs and sanctions on goods being brought into the country.The taxes levied on goods and the limits placed on incoming products and goods can impact and possibly obstruct international trade. This may also increase production costs and the possibly have an effect on the foreign exchange market. Exchange rates are driven for the most part by the amount of currency bought and sold either through speculation or international asset transactions in either services or goods. There are two types of exchange rates: short-term and long-term. The short-term exchange rates swing from minute to minute and are caused throug h changes in supply and demand for money as it is being sold from one country to another.Long-term rates are more directly affected through national monetary policies created by global governments. This has a global effect on economics. With our current national election trail heating up and the nation’s economic state of affairs in the center of discussion, there will be promises made by each candidate. The focus will not only be today’s economy but how we will move out of the red and back into the black. There are many ideas but in my mind it is simple as an old saying – you must spend money to make money. For us o make money and become financially independent, better yet, a global leader in economics, we must learn from our past. Financial Pitfalls 5 As President Bill Clinton discussed in a recent interview with Fortune Magazine, he laid out the three keys to bring our economy back – †¢Unleash the large amount of capital that is being held but not invested †¢Accelerate the resolution of the home mortgage crisis †¢Bring back manufacturing Sounds easy but it isn’t – this is not a short fix to a growing crisis but will take time for us to work together to climb back to the top. International Trade and Finance Speech International Trade and Finance Speech ECO372 March 25, 2013 The impact of international trade on the United States economy is quite significant. While historically the United States had been a nation that provided credit to other countries, it is now in a decline. This decline has caused the United States to become a major debtor, owing millions of dollars in interest to other countries. This is a result of an excess of importing, which has resulted in a surplus of imported goods. This surplus can be necessary to help offset the current deficits, but may stunt the economic growth of the United States.When there is a surplus of imported goods from foreign countries, the United States slips into a deficit. This deficit is created from the trade balance. The largest quantity of imported goods is the transportation equipment. Between 2006 and 2010, automobiles were the highest ranked import, followed by energy-related products. This surplus of imported vehicles resulted in the inability of American automobile manufacturer to produce comparably priced vehicles. This further resulted in U. S. automobile manufacturers needing to either receive government aid in some cases, or file bankruptcy and close for good.The closing of several automobile manufacturing companies and plants resulted in an increase in the unemployment rate, as displaced workers have been unable to find comparable work. International trade can also have a major impact on the Gross Domestic Products (GDP). It can affect the level at which imports and exports are operating, it can reduce consumer spending, and affect the unemployment rate. A higher rate of exports to imports will increase the GDP, while more importing will have the opposite effect. These fluctuations in trading have negative and positive effects on the U.S. economy. The more the United States exports, the more income it is gaining. This is good for the rate of employment, as the higher demand for U. S. products requires more producti vity. Trading deficits also have an impact on consumer spending. When consumer spending is high, trading deficit percentages increase. The opposite is true when consumer spending is low. Domestic import markets also increase as the value of the American dollar increases. International relations and trade are affected by tariffs and quotas implemented by theUnited States government. Tariffs and quotas allow the U. S. to differentiate between the domestic supply and the world supply. Due to protection from the government, domestic markets need not fear competition from foreign producers who provide higher quality, lower cost products. However, too many restrictions on imports could cause a decline in productive trade with foreign countries. These other countries could institute tariffs on U. S. goods which would result in the United States having to pay higher prices for imports.In addition ot all of this, international trading relationships remain unaffected, as free trade agreements allow countries to buy and sell goods at fair market value. Another factor in international trade are foreign exchange rates. Foreign exchange rates are the rate one country’s currency may be exchanged for the currency of another country. It is an economic measure implemented by the government to ensure equilibrium of trading activities. A decline in the exchange rate decreases a country’s purchasing power.Foreign exchange rates are affected by the interest rates imposed by a country for currencies as a result of demand. These interest rates are managed by the central banks of each country, in the United States this would be the Federal Reserve, or the FED. Exchange rates are determined by several factors, interest rates, productivity, inflation and debt are all factors in determining the exchange rate of any given country. Since the 1970’s, when president Nixon took steps to fully normalize relations between the United States and China, China has become one of the major import countries for the United States.While it would seem that the United States could impose many restrictions on trade with China, many would argue that it would be very unwise. A restriction on imports from China could be very detrimental to the United States economy. New restrictions would not only prompt monetary action from China, such as higher prices, it could also prompt civil actions, perhaps even war. Free trade allows countries to engage in trade without additional tariffs or quotas. If China is not imposed with high tariffs and quotas, the United States government knows that the savings will be passed on to the consumers.Limiting the amount of goods imported from china would also greatly limit the variety of products available to U. S. consumers. This would reduce profit and lead to an increase in unemployment. This could continue on the result in an unstable United States economy. In conclusion, international trade has a major impact on the economy of the U nited States. Historically the United States has been a major power in international trade and finance. Currently, the U. S. is in a decline which has cause some major debts.An increase in imports, a decrease in the GDP and fluctuations in the exchange rate have led us to being indebted to many countries while we work though the current recession. Resources: Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics (8th ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. McTeer, B. (2008). The Impact of Foreign Trade on the Economy. Retrieved from http://www. economix. blogs. nytimes. com U. S. Consumption Spent on Foreign Imported Goods. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. americawakeup. net International Trade and Finance Speech International Trade and Finance Speech ECO/372 International Trade and Finance Speech Macroeconomics consists of the large scale economic factors such as interest rates and national productivity. International trade, finance and exchange rates are a large part of this study. Today, we will dive into the basic definitions and descriptions of simple terms and concepts as they relate to macroeconomics. â€Å"The trade balance is the difference between a country’s exports and imports† (Colander, 2010).When a country is exporting more than they are importing a surplus is created, so there is more production than consumption. The opposite is true for a trade deficit. A country that imports more than it exports is running in a deficit; consumption is more than production. An example of a product in the United States with a surplus is oil. Seven years ago the U. S. imported about two-thirds of their oil consumption. By 2014 it is expected that the U. S. will only import 6 billi on barrels of crude oil per day; this is about one-third of what the country uses and by 2020 U. S. il production will exceed Saudi Arabia’s (Phillips, 2010). The problem is that the oil produced in the U. S. is high-quality crude and the oil imported is heavy, sour oil. Since the refineries are currently equipped to refine the heavier oil the U. S. has a surplus of the high-quality crude. One would expect lower oil prices with the surplus, but as the current gas prices reflect this is not the case. While the process and the politics involved have many components not discussed here the crux of the situation is that a surplus of an import can cause business and domestic consumers to suffer.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the value of all goods and services produced in one country during a one year period. GDP is made up of consumption of goods (expected to last three or more years such as food and clothing), services, government expenditures (schools, upkeep of roads, and mili tary expenses), residential and non-residential spending, and business inventories. The equation is all of the items listed less ay imports to other countries. International trade influences the GDP by expanding markets with imported goods and services that are either not available in the U.S. or are less expensive if imported. Some of the goods imported are coffee, bananas, oil, and automobiles from Germany and Japan. The imports of these goods increase the economic GDP, but also allow the U. S. to export products to other countries. A result of this economic expansion and diversity of goods and services is competitive pricing and an increase in the market competition among producers providing domestic consumers with less expensive products. A major advantage of trading is the ability of certain producers to concentrate or specialize in certain goods.A disadvantage would be the government imposition of restrictions and limitations to protect the domestic production and market. Gove rnments have imposed taxes on trading transactions which increases the cost of importation. Many governments also restrict or limit the import of goods and service to their country. These impositions are known as a tariff or quota. Tariffs are taxes governments place on international traded goods – generally imports (Colander, 2010). They are most commonly used to restrict international trade and promote domestically produced goods.Quotas are put in place for the same reason but rather than taxing imports the quantities of product are limited. Tariffs affect trade patterns, but they also create revenue for the government often offsetting the loss of consumer surplus (â€Å"Impact of Trade Tariff Cuts: Long-Series Historical Evidence†,  2013). The exchange rates are â€Å"the price of one country’s currency in terms of another’s currency† (Colander, 2010). To understand the determination of an exchange rate one needs to think of currency as just a nother good (Colander, 2010).Consumers demand other’s countries’ currencies to buy goods and assets in that country. Foreign exchange rates are determined by supply and demand of goods. An example to understand how the demand-supply balance moves is to examine the dollar vs. rupee exchange. The dollar/rupee exchange rate will depend on how the demand-supply balance moves. When the demand for U. S. dollars in India rises and supply does not rise correspondingly, each dollar will cost more rupees to buy.Exchange rates are in a constant state of fluctuation because of the countless activities of the foreign exchange market. China currently supplies the U. S. and many other countries with goods. It would be difficult to discontinue because â€Å"buying from China is in fact buying American† (Chen, 2011). Chen, 2011 reported that America imported $374 billion of goods and services from China in 2010 and exported $115 billion to China. This created a trade deficit of $260 billion. But if calculations are based on alue-added contributions by the two countries, America actually has a trade surplus of $70 billion. One should think about the jobs that are created from the importing of goods from China rather than the jobs it is taking away. Apple employs thousands of associates in America to sell iPhones, Target employees over 350,000 American workers who sell Chinese imports, and thousands of UPS and FedEx workers deliver Dell computers, Hasbro toys, and Nike shoes to American families (Chen, 2011).Thank you for your time and I hope the information provided gives a high level understanding of international trade and finance as it relates to the current state of the U. S. macro economy. References Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics (8th Ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection. Phillips, M. (2013). Falling U. S. Oil Imports Will Reshape the World Crude Market. Retrieved from http://www. businessweek. com/articles/2013-01- 16/falling-u-dot-s-dot-oil-imports-will-reshape-the-world-crude-market Impact of Trade Tariff Cuts: Long-Series Historical Evidence. 2013). Retrieved from http://www. globalpolicyjournal. com/articles/world-economy-trade-and-finance/impact-trade-tariff-cuts-long-series-historical-evidence Alden, E. (2013). A U. S. -China â€Å"Trade War†: Time to Abolish a Silly Notion. Retrieved from http://thediplomat. com/pacific-money/2012/10/31/a-u-s-china-trade-war-time-to-abolish-a-silly-notion/ Chen, B. (2011). Buying From China Is in Fact Buying American. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/forbesleadershipforum/2011/12/22/buying-from-china-is-in-fact-buying-american/

Saturday, September 28, 2019

China's economic growth Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

China's economic growth - Research Paper Example At the core of this plan is a noninterventionist foreign-policy, meaning that even when they provide aid to various countries they are taking the position that it is not their place to interfere in the social construction in terms of human rights, political power, or social responsibility. This is a specific contrast to Western ideas, both the US and European concepts, in the way in which to conduct foreign relations. When the West brings aid into the country they do it with certain social expectations in terms of how that aid will be used. China has established a policy of nonintervention likely so that they can be seen as different from the United States, more attractive to governments, and a more likely partner in terms of economic growth. In relationship to Africa, Chinese leaders have entered into Africa and taken tours across the various nations more than 15 times in the last decade, which far out distances the United States in terms of attention to Africa needs. The relationships between nations of Africa and China have reached more than $200 billion in trade and business as of 2012. This also represents an increase of more than 20 times that which is being conducted in the year 2000, which places China ahead of any other nation in utilizing asking resources for which contracts with Africa are now one third of the total revenue that China is establishing in terms of relationships abroad. This indicates a policy of â€Å"servicing the relationship† which means that they are given a lot of attention to African leaders in order to create strong bonds that will have impact in the future. Chinese current GDP as of 2014 is $17.63 trillion. The GDP per capita is $12,900. The GDP is primarily composed of agriculture at 9.7%, industry at 43.9%, and services of 46.4%. The unemployment rate hovers around 4.1%, with a population that goes underneath the poverty line at approximately 6.1%. In terms of the distribution of family income China is approximately

Friday, September 27, 2019


RIORDAN MANUFACTURING_ Ford & Toyota - Case Study Example Design elements of an effective employee relations program involve coach and counseling, analysis of employees concerns, effective communication and interaction strategies and performance management. In both companies, Ford and Toyota, these strategies play a crucial role allowing the companies to create positive climate and morale, maintain high productivity levels and effective performance (Mullins, 2004; Toyota Home Page, 2007; Ford Home Page, 2007). In both companies, the aim of coaching and counseling is to focus heavily on helping employees develop skills and abilities, and in the process provide the supervisor with an excellent opportunity to recognize workers for improved performance. If managers are to really succeed at coaching and counseling, they must be in close working relationships with their employees. The managing coach and counselor will almost continuously monitor employee performance in order to help the employee make appropriate performance adjustments (Mullins, 2004; Toyota Home Page, 2007; Ford Home Page, 2007). When workers see the nature of this relationship with the coach/counselor, they sense that performance is going to be measured and likely measured precisely. Employees expect praise for learning and performing well, an upgrading in task assignments as the coach /counselor spots improvement, and eventual freedom, or autonomy, at work as they prove themselves. The existence of a quality person serving i n a coach /counselor role relative to the worker helps convince the worker that performance improvement will not go unrecognized and, therefore, unrewarded. Employees concerns influence employee relations and require careful analysis of the companies' management. Fears and threats should be eliminated in order to improve corporate morale and performance. Job security really depends on employee performance, not on length of service or length of employment contract, for example. If employees and the organization are not productive, success for the organization will not be realized. Employees can be sensitized to the contingency relation between performance and organization survival by pointing out the numerous dramatic cases of organizations that have failed to boost worker productivity and performance, in light of growing competition, and have subsequently had to close their doors. Emphasis can be placed on the performance-job security link by granting long-term employment contracts, or such things as guaranteed annual income, only to those whose performance deserves these arrangements (Robbins, 2004). Effective communication and interaction ensures effective performance and high morale. In both companies, people are taught how to avoid feelings of inferiority and how to stand up for what they believe in. Communication and training almost invariably helps increase one's confidence level (Robbins, 2004). Self-image building can come in various forms, most of which are beyond the scope of this book--but may involve something relatively simple like getting workers to improve their physical appearance through better dress and grooming. The philosophy of Ford and Toyota is that employees must sense that performance pays off, that it will yield desired positive outcomes. The stronger the perceived correlation between performance and desired rewards (positive outcomes), the stronger the motivation. To sense a strong

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Permanent Pair Bonding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Permanent Pair Bonding - Research Paper Example 227). Pair-bonds can be defined as long-term affiliation between two individuals that also includes a sexual relationship. This relationship is relatively enduring irrespective of whether it is monogamous or polygamous. Various hypotheses have surfaced regarding the evolution of human pair-bonds, with some considering it a consequence of the competition of male mating while others considering it paternal provisioning’s adaptation. This paper explores the evolution of permanent pair bonding in humans. Pair bonding is one of the most fundamental behaviors in humans like it is in all other primates and mammals. The importance of pair bonding is secondary probably only to such physiological needs as food and air. It is a natural behavior because of which it is commonly exhibited by both humans and non-human living beings, though in humans, a wide range of factors influence humans’ perceptions about and trends in pair bonding. Humans’ pair bonding patterns and behaviors are considerably different from those of other primates, humans being superior to them. Although the bond between a child and a mother in humans is homologous with the bond seen in other primates as well as mammals, yet the pair bond between a man and a woman and the pair bond between a man and a child in humans are not comparable to any terrestrial primate’s or mammals’ bonds (Immerman, 2003, p. 138). ... mother and a child in humans is similar to other terrestrial primates but the bases of affiliative bond between a man and a woman or between a child and a man is dissimilar between humans and primates. The biological explanation of the evolution of pair-bonding is explained by the research on the monogamous rodents that has led to the emergence of a neurobiological model of formation of pair-bond (Young and Wang, 2004). The neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin play an important role in dealing with the social cues that help in individual recognition. Reward learning and reinforcement is caused by mesolimbic dopamine. During the process of mating, dopamine receptors and neuropeptide get activated concurrently in the brain’s reward centers which leads to the conditioned preference for partner in pair-bonding. The differences observed in the tendency to develop pair bonds across different species is explained by the differential regulation of the expression of neuropeptide rece ptor. A very important perspective of the evolution of human pairing is grounded in religion. This is the perspective believed by a vast majority of people that believe in God and typically those that belong to an Abrahamic religion. It is mentioned in the religious scriptures that God made Adam and Eve as a pair and the entire generations of humans that have born ever since evolved from this first pair. For instance, in Surah Al-Nisa, it is mentioned, â€Å"O humans! Be pious (careful of your duty) to your Lord, Who created you from a single self (soul), and from it He created its mate, and from them He has spread a multitude of men and women† (Al-Nisa 4:1 cited in El-Najjar, 2007). This verse reveals about the commencement of life with one soul from which, its mate was made. Over the passage of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Review#6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Review#6 - Assignment Example According to this article, in 2050, there will be a point where we have to look at other areas that have thus far remained untouched and determining whether or not that portion of the natural environment that animals and birds live in will be destroyed simply so we have somewhere to grow consumable goods (Cassman). When looking at the article in â€Å"Time Magazine,† the author suggests that this topic of food versus biofuels is hot among environmentalists. Some know that we need the food to survive but using these consumable goods as a source of energy is also environmentally efficient to store up fossil fuels that are non-renewable resources. This article surprisingly suggested that corn as a biofuel is not really as efficient as people believe and that the corn could feed more people than it helps out as a source of energy. An interesting perspective in this article suggests that there could be a plant that is grown that is non-consumable by humans but could be used in place as a biofuel instead. There would then be a balance as suggested by the research that found that switchgrass was a better source of fuel than corn ethanol (Walsh). Looking at both perspectives and understanding what is already known, this is a problem that was addressed in both of these articles, five years ago. The problem has continued and there is still no answer. But who will fund the research to find an alternative? I think that the growing population will continue to the point where we are without enough resources but I do not believe it will occur in my lifetime. However, it is an issue that will be faced in the future and should be thought about

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mass Media Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mass Media Theory - Assignment Example Hermeneutic theory is study of understanding through systematic interpretation which is derived from biblical study. Its ontology says that social reality is created by people based on their interactions, preference and notions. The knowledge advancement depends on subjective interaction between the observer and their community. Critical theory is based on the assumption that there are flaws in certain aspects of social world which needs to be transformed. Its aim is to attain knowledge of social world in order to change it. Since it challenges the existing ways, its goal is political. Normative theory has a goal of setting a standard against which operation of a given media could be judged. It explains in what ways media should operate for realizing certain set of ideal social values. Knowledge advancement is through comparative analysis in which worth of media systems is identified by comparing it with an ideal social system (Given slide chpt-1). There are four perspectives or eras which are identified during the development of mass communication theories. This includes mass society, limited effects, cultural and meaning making perspectives. Mass society era developed in the latter half of 19th century is rooted on the nostalgia for rural community life and it predicts a nightmare future where people become servants of machines. Some of the mass society notions were developed for maintaining old political order while others were developed for bringing radical change. Limited effects era developed by Lazarsfeld uses empirical enquiry for drawing conclusions and utilizes a post positive approach from a psychological perspective. It was concluded that media is not as powerful as it is feared and media influence could be resisted by factors like religion, family etc. Culture theory challenged limited effect approach and considered them as reductionist. Idea of culture theory emanated from Europe and was supported by groups like neo Marxist.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Film Treatment about the boston bombing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film Treatment about the boston bombing - Essay Example After he finishes his shower, David puts on a small short and vest before dressing into a track suit, he then goes to the kitchen in order to make waffles for breakfast. While preparing his breakfast, he switches own his flat screen TV where he notices all the channels are talking about the Boston marathon that is being held on the same day. While he is having his breakfast, he hears a knock at the door and on opening the door he is hugged by his best friend Chris who asks him if his ready to win the prize money and start a fund for young boys who are suffering from leukemia. David shouts â€Å"hell yeah† while he welcomes Chris in with a glass of juice and a piece of waffle. Chris is also dressed in a track suit only that his is made up of the national flag of the United States of America. Both Chris and David are intending to take part in the Boston marathon and win the prize money which they will use to establish a fund for boys who are battling with leukemia. Chris tells D avid to harry up since the marathon is expect to begin at around 9.00 am hence they needed about an hour to stretch in preparation for the huge task ahead. David grabs two bottles of water and locks the door as they leave his apartment. While they are on the lift Chris reminds David to show up at the library later in the evening so as to study for the continuous assessment test that they had the following day. At the lobby, they meet up with their class mates June and Lee who have come to give them support in their efforts to win the Boston marathon. Lee tells David and Chris that they will wait for them near the finish line since they are sure that one of them will win the prize money. June shows them a cheque for 1000 dollars and tells them that she will put the money in the medical fund the two wish to start for leukemia patients. The second scene begins at the starting line of the Boston marathon where participants are getting ready for the race to begin. David notices 6 Kenyan and 4 Ethiopian athletes who he recognized from a feature he had seen on ESPN naming them as the best athletes who might win the race. In his mind, he tells himself that if he keeps up with the ten athletes then he is sure that he will cross the finish line among the top three finishers. He whispers to Chris that they make sure that they run parallel to the Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes then they will be able to finish the race among the top three. Te ace starts and after about two hours time their approach seems not to have worked since both the Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes are both nowhere to be seen. Despite the fact that they are sure that they will not be able to finish the race David urges Smith to be strong for them to at least finish the race. After about thirty minutes, both Chris and David could see the finish line since it was about a quarter mile away. They both smiled and held hand as they ran towards the finish line. In just after 5 minutes David hears a loud explosio n and sees that it comes from the finish line. After about two seconds he hears a second explosion which makes him deaf for about five seconds. When David’s hearing comes back, he hears a lot of screams and sirens form government vehicles. Act Two David is so scared that his heart is pounding against his chest. He looks at Chris

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal Philosophy (Mission Statement) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Philosophy (Mission Statement) - Essay Example Amidst all frustrations in life, optimism is essential. Everything can be achieved if we remain positive. With sufficient determination, we can climb the highest of mountains. That cannot be achieved in the absence of faith. Philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said, "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours." We cannot afford to lose hope and faith. Hope and faith may only seem a simple word but they are the tower of strength in times of anxiety and despair. My spirituality remains extremely important in my life; it is the backbone of my inner self. I am basically a simple person who appreciates the goodness of life. One of the things I enjoy is watching movies. Films are both entertaining and educating. Whether captured from actual accounts or just purely fictional fragments, they depict reality and display the expanse of man's imagination. I have always been amazed at man's cleverness in producing movies. I constantly look forward to meeting new people. It gives me a sense of excitement. Perhaps it's because this is a very big world and it is probably impossible to meet all the six billion plus people inhabiting earth. I always find something interesting in the diversity of man's character. And I have proven that whatever color we may be, beyond the variety of race and culture, beneath the skin we are all the same; we are brothers and sisters. Whenever I feel exhausted from everyday routines, I go shopping. When it comes to relaxation, shopping is indeed a pleasant diversion. I also found out that until now I am fond of exploring new things. I guess that the curious little child in me never grew up. Many things capture my interest and I don't stop until I learn about them and then put them to good use. There are quite a few things I wish to change about myself. Some say that I have a little attitude and that I easily get angry. Perhaps that is because I am far from my country and that I miss my family and friends very much. Sometimes I also easily get impatient. I get annoyed when things get delayed and not done right away. Personal, Academic, and Career Goals Coming from a small family of four, it is my dream to have a large family. I intend to stay with my husband for the rest of my life and be able to provide my kids a happy life and good education. I also want to stay close with my parents and only brother. I aspire to have a 4.0 GPA and get my bachelor degree sooner than expected and start my MBA soon after. I believe that I would need all the skills I can acquire to competently manage my mother's business. I plan to make many changes and practice the theories I have learned. Strengths and Weaknesses I am happily married and have just recently given birth to a healthy baby boy. Even from the womb, he is my inspiration. He is definitely one of my treasures in this life. My son embodies the love that has flourished between me and my husband. My son provides in me the strength to desire a better future for my family. I am not a very patient person but having a child gradually remedies that. Caring for an infant requires patience and my love for my

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Elusiveness of Good Work in The Insider Essay Example for Free

The Elusiveness of Good Work in The Insider Essay In â€Å"Good Work, Well Done,† Howard Gardner (1999) argues that â€Å"the goal of carrying out good work is harder to reach when conditions are unstable and market forces are allowed to run unchecked. † This, according to him, was the dilemma â€Å"faced by workers in every domain† as existing authority systems in most working environments are designed to penalize whistle blowers rather than to correct unethical business practices. Gardner’s argument is exemplified in Michael Mann’s (1999) film, The Insider. Based on the true story of tobacco industry whistle blower Jeffrey Wigand, Mann’s film is a brilliant movie depicting the intrinsic motivations, values, and expectations that oblige otherwise ambitious, loyal employees into sacrificing profitable careers, and even themselves, for the sake of the majority. The film owes majority of its success to Mann’s directorial genius, exemplary performances by Russell Crowe, Al Pacino, Christopher Plummer, and Dianne Venora; and in part to the compelling story of an altruistic employee who decides to give up his lucrative career for a nobler cause. The Insider is interesting in its genuine depiction of many corporate workers’ experiences, the working environment, and the conflict that ensues due to incongruence between the individual’s personal values and company expectations for loyalty in its organization. By following the narrative of a tobacco company executive who exposes the unethical business practices of the corporation he works for, the film raises the issues of professional ethics as they relate and interact with business ethics in a corporate setting where the concerns of a healthy bottomline override other matters of concern (Gardner, 2002). More importantly, the film captures the complex nature of whistle blowing as â€Å"an extreme that defies the reasonable expectation of the most prominent versions of ethics† (Grant, 2002, p. 396) and the impact of this action on the personal life of the whistle blower. Thus, the film’s title takes an ironic twist as whistle blowing demands that a worker, or an insider, subvert the norms and expectations of the culture he is in and in the process rendering him an outsider. This aspect of whistle blowing is particularly depicted in the dilemma confronting the film’s main protagonist, Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe), a scientist working as an executive in the research department of Brown and Williamson, one of the tobacco industry’s biggest companies. Wigand is terminated by the corporation because of his refusal to cooperate with the company’s questionable practice involving the use of nicotine to make cigarettes more addictive that in the scientist’s view was causing major damage to public health. Clearly, Wigand’s case confirms Joseph McCafferty’s (2002) observation that â€Å"more often, those who try to bring to light unethical or illegal practices by their employers are criticized, treated like outcasts, fired, or worse. † For instance, he experiences being harassed and receiving death threats shortly after being fired from the company, ostensibly made to ensure that he keeps his silence and honors his confidentiality agreement. It is not surprising that insiders like Wigand often experience extreme pressure and personal conflict even after they have severed ties with the company they work for. Threats of retaliation through physical or financial harm and legal action often force employees who leave their jobs due to the mismatch between their ethical principles and work expectations vis-a-vis the priorities of the company they work for. The existence of legal and social mechanisms that punish the act of whistle-blowing, and the ineffectiveness of existing legal systems to support those who come forward to tell external stakeholders about illegal or unethical business practices contribute to the difficulties faced by whistle blowers. McCafferty, 2002) Ultimately, these impediments condition the majority of workers into a state of compliance despite their knowledge of wrongdoings in their workplace. Accordingly, Grant (2002) argues that individuals like Wigand display a sense of ethics that surpass conventional ethical behavior and â€Å"exceed the minimal level that is required to sustain civil life. † (p. 96) Given the lack of incentives and the threats posed by this action on their personal life and career opportunities, whistle blowers are clearly driven by a strong belief in moral and ethical ideals contrary to the conventional notion of whistle blowers as vindictive or errant employees. Wigand’s character affirms Grant’s (2002) contention; Instead of being deterred by the harassment and the gloomy prospects awaiting him in his career, he becomes more determined decision to spill Brown and Williamson’s dirty secret in a 60 minutes interview with CBS reporter Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino). Wigand;s character therefore fits Grant’s description of whistle blowers as â€Å"saints in a secular culture. † Throughout the film, Wigand’s sense of justice shines through despite his emotional battles and inner turmoils as he encounters numerous hardships such as being separated from his family and from company efforts to discredit his name. It is therefore only fitting that Wigand is vindicated when Bergman is able to counter the negative publicity and he finds a more fulfilling career that allows him to finally do â€Å"good work† by teaching. Thus, The Insider is an illuminating look at how existing political and economic structures inhibit individuals from doing â€Å"good work† as defined by Gardner (2002). It is also an incisive commentary on how society, in general, conditions employees to normalize unfair business practices by valuing material incentives more than those based on social or moral ones. Consequently, whistle blowers, and others intent on doing â€Å"good work,† are often forced to carry their battles and ethical struggles alone, left vulnerable to the machinery of Big Business, and treated with contempt by their collegues and families.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Aesthetics Of One Cult Film Film Studies Essay

The Aesthetics Of One Cult Film Film Studies Essay This essay will discuss the aesthetics of the cult film, Blade Runner. Firstly we will look at the way in which theorists have set out to define the extensive genre of cult film, looking at in particular, but not limited to, the works of theorists Telotte, Jancovitch and Sconce etc.   We will then analyse the film Blade Runner, dissecting the film and its aesthetics and discuss how, or if, they contribute to making it a cult classic, looking at its appeal to audiences, and what makes it transgressive in its theme and style. Cult film is a diverse and wide-ranging quasi-genre that cannot be attributed to one set of stylistic conventions, as Sconce comments in his study [cult film] would include entries from such seemingly disparate subgenres as bad films, spatterpunk,mondo films, sword and sandal epics, Elvis flicks, governmental hygiene films, Japanese monster moves, beach party musicals, and just about every other historical manifestation of exploitation cinema from juvenile delinquency documentaries to soft core pornography. (Sconce, J (1995)  Cult fictions: Cult Movies, Subcultural Capital and the Production of Cultural Distinctions. p.373). There is one feature that can be attributed to that of all cult films the devout admiration that it receives from its fans, Sconce argues this further it is not defined according to some single, unifying feature shared by all cult movies, but rather through a sub-cultural ideology in filmmaker, films or audiences are seen as existing to the opposition to the mainstream. In other words, cult is largely a matter of the ways in which films are classified in consumption. (ibid p.373).   As there are no clearly defined set of characteristics that define a cult film, I believe it is useful to look at  the etymological root of the word cult, which  comes from the Latin word cultus and means belief and ritual. J.P. Telotte states in his 1991 book Beyond All Reason: The Nature of Cult, that the word  signifies both adherence and mastery and also submission and domination, meaning that the word is steeped in a dual purpose to both worship and control (p.14). Telotte furthers this argument by stating that a film transitions to its cult status by the actions of its fans through a process of reception and conversion a film is transformed into an object of cryptic worship and a supertext is created by the audiences actions with the original text (p.7). Other theorists such as Jancovitch and Sexton also empathise this strong link between cult films and audience appropriation processes. All theorists also argue the process of resurrection is a feature of a lot of cult f ilms that a film takes on cult status when it is resurrected from its critical and / or commercial failures and  takes on a new life through its adoption by this new niche audience. The film is brought back to life within a different cultural context, attracting strong emotional connections from audiences who use it to define themselves in opposition to what is considered as the norm or mainstream at that time (Jancovitch (2003) Defining Cult Movies: The Cultural Politics of Oppositional Taste. p.1). This inference that cult film viewers love their films for aggressively attacking the established quality of cannon cinema  Sconce, J. (1995) Trashing the Academy: Taste, Excess, and an Emerging Politics of Cinematic Style. p.374) and that the text is not always in opposition on its release, is often drawn upon when assessing the cult film. It is this resurrected category of cult films that Ridley Scotts Blade Runner falls into.   Transgression is another feature of many cult films as, as stated, cult fans are often attracted to themes and styles that can clearly be understood as in opposition to the mainstream, ignoring the established conventions and rejoicing in difference. According to theorist Barry Grant, transgression can be understood in terms of content, attitude or style (Grant, B K (1991) Science fiction double feature: Ideology in the Cult Film. p.123). Saturated with cultural visual references and clichà ©s, generic hybridity, collage-like excessiveness, and technical incompetence are all recognised stylistic and aesthetic examples of transgression in cult film. Transgressive subject matter in cult films are the subjects that often are ignored or deemed too taboo for mainstream cinema such as rape, transvestism, social / political critique, incest, dehumanisation, ideas of dystopia and slavery etc. Blade Runner can be seen as transgressive in its style, content and attitude by the way in which is paints a gritty, dystopian vision of the future that explores themes of dehumanisation, slavery, social criticism and crisis and corporate / capitalist greed. The aesthetic aspects of the film present a shadowy, rainy visual style that is indebted to the genre of Film Noir. This helps to reinforce the subversive themes, submerging the audience into a dark, oppressive world that is familiar (through its constant cultural references) but alien at the same time, namely though its captivating special effects. Blade Runner can also be seen as transgressive in its narrative style and pace many viewers criticised the film for its slow-developing storyline and filming style that went against the speedy, action-packed action of sci-fi films of its time. It is also a prime example of generic hybridity, crossing over cinematic styles such as Film Noir, Science-Fiction, Thriller and Romance.   You are no longer simply a fan of Blade Runner: you are part of the world of Blade Runner or even a blade runner yourself. (Brooker, W (1999) Internet Fandom and the Continuing Narratives of Star Wars, Blade Runner and Alien, p.60). Ridleys Scotts Blade Runner, released in 1982 (re-release 1992) by Warner Bros, was adapted from Philip K. Dicks novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples. Initially it was not well received but went on to achieve cult status with fans dedicating websites and fan conventions to the film. Depicting a dystopian Los Angles in 2019, it is now thought of as the benchmark with which to compare cinematic representations of urban decay. The film has made a lasting impression and long stayed in the minds of countless fans in the 30 years since it was released, justifying its further releases.  Blade Runner was released during the same year as big blockbuster hits such as E.T. and Star Trek II. Not only did the film have to compete with such big-budget movies, but these films are almost in direct opposition to Blade Runners gritty disposition, and their up-beat attitude. Unsurprisingly the film was not a box-office success, taking only $14.5m in ticket s ales whilst costing an estimated $28m to make. Critical reception was also disappointing with most reviewers failing to fully understand the film in one sitting, and so dismissing the narrative as muddled and inconsistent. Fortunately Blade Runner was produced around the same time as the arrival of home cable and videotapes and was chosen as one of the first films to be released for home video. This ultimately meant that the film was now made available for people who wouldnt normally go to the cinema to watch sci-fi films and enabled the viewer to watch as many times needed in order to fully understand and appreciate the complex narrative, and it was in rental video and cable TV that Blade Runner found its devoted audience. Since this time the film has been released a further two times once ten years on in 1992 as a Directors Cut and again in 2007 as a five-disc Final cut including deleted scenes and commentary the ultimate collectable for the cult fan. Although there were only tw o official releases, there are several different versions of the film. This enables the cult fan to research the details of the other versions, helping them to better understand and identify the film and fulfil their desires for more.   First, the [cult] phenomenal experience is an aesthetic one. It is an experience that is sought for its own sake- as an end in itself. (Mathijis, E Sexton, J (2011) Cult Cinema p.18).   In Blade Runner, cult aesthetic techniques help to articulate the films critique of capitalism. The shadowy visual style is all-encompassing and supports the films transgressive themes. The set design and narrative use of set spaces create an atmosphere of (frightening) splendour and mystery. The high towers are only accessible by futuristic flying crafts (only available to the police) or by controlled access lifts. Blade Runner contrasts an upper city for the authorities and the wealthy, with a dirty and more chaotic lower city for the masses. The continual darkness and absence of natural light constantly remind us of mans destructive greed and is juxtaposed to the bright neon lights of the commercial adverts placed in every possible space. These mesmerising neon billboards and corporate adverts that dominate the city signify capitalist greed and are the only source of light in what would otherwise be a very bleak and depressing environment. The garish pink and red colours also evok e references to Hell. In their stark contrast to the obscure landscape below, the bright neon colours suggest the links in advanced capitalism, with the sparkling promises of consumption and the cruel realities of production and the mundane. These urban scenes manifest our fears about urban decay, and visualise our anxieties of complete corporate dominance of everyday life. The urban images paint a ruined and devastated natural environment with many buildings abandoned and streets overflowing with rubbish. I would argue that the use of the light in the film enhances the themes of social and political critique and thus helps cult fans to understand it as in opposition to the mainstream and thus identify themselves with it. Camera angles, shadows and the use of smoke are also very important aesthetics in conveying the films dark mood. POV camera angles are used to help the audience identify with the characters who are both humans and replicants- highly advanced cyborg slaves, manufactured by the Tyrell Corporation, that are More Human Than Human (The fictional companys marketing slogan) and eventually become hostile to their creator. Wide sweeping shots with high camera angles, looking either up at the tall imposing buildings or down at the dark streets, convey the enormity of the city and its intimidating atmosphere. This atmosphere of fear and intimidation is also created through the use of filming the city through the glass-bottomed police hover-cars that patrol the streets and see al l there is to offer in this dismal landscape. Scott uses shadow to continue the theme of darkness which, of course, lends from the Film Noir style of using shadow to create mood and enhance drama. The darkness continues even with indoor scenes and as in Film Noir movies, blinds are used to separate light and fragment the narrative visually. Shadowing is often used in the film to convey the underlying darkness in the narrative when it may not be apparent this is evident in a scene in JF Sebastians flat where Pris and Ron Batty (replicants) are hiding out (Sebastian is not aware they are Replicants) and although the characters are being nice to Sebastian, the viewer can sense that something more sinister is going on. Smoke is another feature used heavily in the film to create mystery and fear. Most characters smoke, expressing their paranoia and anxiousness. Smoke also emits from the industrial buildings, polluting the city and again, adding to the sinister tone.   Blade Runners generic hybridity is a recognised transgressive aesthetic within Cult film, with Telotte arguing that the generic mish-mash is a defining element (Telotte (1991) Beyond All Reason: The Nature of Cult  ). As discussed, Blade Runner embodies the visual style and aesthetics of many different film genres, such as Film Noir, Thriller, Romance, and of course Science-Fiction. Sci-Fi as a generic style is displayed in many cult films the groundbreaking special effects and visuals present the possibilities of new worlds with strange creatures and previously unimagined landscapes. This becomes the perfect breeding ground to explore the transgressive and subversive themes mentioned above.  If generic hybridity and collage-like excessiveness are recognised cult film aesthetics, then Film Noir and Thriller are perfect genres to lend from, for their roots in formal complexity are articulated through aesthetic and ideological ambiguity. According to Nicole Rafter Film Noir and cr ime films provide ways for viewers to enjoy fantasies of violence and law-breaking by offering forbidden pleasure and its chastisement, they offer viewers both transgression and the return to conformity, thus alleviating their anxiety about social norms (Rafter, N (2000) Shots in the Mirror: Crime Films and Society  p.153-154). This can easily be related to Telottes ideas on transgression in cult films that they allow the viewer to embrace the other within them and that this is a gesture or a feeling of being transgressive without actually being transgressive (Telotte, J P (1991) Beyond All Reason: The Nature of Cult  ). As mentioned above, the themes and narrative structure of Blade Runner are complex and the average viewer may find they need to watch the film many times in order to fully appreciate and understand it (which in itself encourages cult viewing). In conclusion I cannot deny that Blade Runners aesthetics are what set it aside from the popular movies of its time and so encouraging fans to read it as in opposition to the norm, and identify / align themselves with it. There is also no denying that the aesthetics and mis en scene come together to help narrate the story and support the films transgressive themes, again helping it to achieve its cult status. Fans can surround themselves in this strange but magical world and rejoice in its difference. Ultimately I believe that it is not solely a films cult aesthetics that establish it as cult film or encourage a cult following. Instead they support and encourage the cult themes and subject matter helping to visualise the films sub-cultural ideology (Sconce, J (1995).  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The State Washington State :: essays research papers

A REPORT ON WASHINGTON STATE The State of Washington is located in the far northwest corner of the United States. It has 66,582 square miles between the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Idaho boarder to the east. Washington borders Canada on the north and Oregon on the south along the Columbia River. Washington is the 20th largest state and has very different western and eastern natural environments, which are divided by the Cascade Range. It is home to 6 million residents (2001 census estimate) who are employed in a diverse economy dominated by aviation; software and other technological enterprises; wheat, apples, beans, and other agriculture; forest products; and fishing. The state is a major exporter of manufactured goods, foodstuffs, raw materials, and hydroelectricity, and it is a popular tourist destination. Today Washington is home to numerous Native American tribes and has been for at least 10,000 years. The first European explorers and traders visited in the late 1700s. Lewis and Clark followed the Snake River and Columbia River to arrive at the Pacific Ocean by what is known as Long Beach today, in November 1805. The Hudson’s Bay Company had major forts and trading stations in the early 1800s, along with American fur traders, settlers, and missionaries. Great Britain and the United States together occupied the area between 1818 and 1846. Then Britain gave the Pacific Northwest below the 49th parallel to the U.S. Two years later, the U.S. created Oregon Territory, which included the future states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho and part of Montana. Washington Territory, which included Idaho and western Montana until 1863 was separated from Oregon on March 2,1853, and gained statehood on November 11, 1889. Olympia has been the capital of Washington Territory and State since 1853. Seattle is the state’s most populous city with a population of 563,000 in 2000, followed in rank by Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Bellevue, and Everett. Political History The federal government created Oregon Territory on August 14, 1848. The area of the new jurisdiction included what we know as Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and western Montana today. Finding gold in California in 1848 started a large migration westward of people, and the settlement of Oregon Territory was promoted by the passage of the Donation Land Claims Act of 1850, which gave 160 acres to any U.S. citizen who agreed to stay on his or her land for five years. On August 29, 1851, 27 male settlers met at Cowlitz Landing to ask Congress for a separate â€Å"Columbia Territory† that would cover the area between the Columbia River and 49th parallel.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Osteoporosis :: essays research papers

Bone Case Study 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A bone mineral density (BMD) test measures the amount of mineral concentration in a specific region of the bones in order to determine a persons bone strength or density and their risk for fractures. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The physician uses the BMD test in conjunction with a patient’s history to determine the patient’s risk of Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that is characterized by thinning, weak bones. Bone loss is actually a normal event in the human body. We loose bone when cells (osteoclasts) release stored salts (calcium, phosphorous, magnesium) from the bone into the blood stream when dietary intake is not providing adequate amounts. Typically (at least until age 30) we have other cells (osteoblasts) that come in and repair, repair and build lost bone. Osteoporosis occurs when the osteoclasts are working faster than the osteoblasts. Eventually the osteoblasts fall further and further behind leaving thin and brittle bones. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Results for the BMD test are given as T-scores and Z-scores. The T-score compares the results with a healthy young adult of the same gender and the Z- score compares it with an individual of the same age and gender. A positive or normal result of the BMD would be 1 standard deviation (+1/-1) of the T-score mean. A result of 2.5 or greater below the mean is considered to be osteoporosis. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Osteoporosis is the diagnosis for a person whose score falls 2.5 standard deviations below the mean. If her history reports findings of bone fractures that are osteoporosis related, her diagnosis may be that of severe osteoporosis. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When diagnosing a patient the most critical information will come from the patient’s history (familial and personal). This information allows a caregiver to assign specific risk factors associated with certain diseases which help determine a person’s chance of developing a disease as well as measures that can help prevent further progression. It was important for the doctor to know if Janice ‘s diet included adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Both play key roles in bone density, calcium is needed to maintain bone strength and vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption into the blood stream and reabsorbing in the kidneys. Hormone replacement therapy plays a role in the prevention of osteoporosis because it restores estrogen levels and helps to slow the bone thinning process (HRT and its osteoporotic benefits can be offset by possibly increasing risk for other serious diseases).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Solar Power Essay -- Alternative Energy Clean Photovoltaic Cells Panel

Solar Power: An Alternative Energy Source Since first discovered in the 1860s, the concept of storing energy from the sun to use as a source of power has been studied and pursued by many programs. Either using solar collectors or photovoltaic cells, the methods of using solar power are becoming more efficient and cost-effective. Solar technology is currently being used by homes and businesses, but is still too expensive and risky for many residents. Researchers are still making advances to solar technology for it to be a feasible energy source in the future. Solar energy was first started in the 1860s when Auguste Mouchout and William Adams found a way for storing solar radiation into tanks of water. Since then, there have been improvements to the processing of solar energy, which has been split into two categories: agricultural based and electricity based. The agricultural method, otherwise known as thermal solar energy, uses the sunlight to heat liquid and power steam engines. Solar collectors can be used on houses or business buildings to store the energy. Different types of solar collectors are flat-plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors and integral collector storage systems (US Department of Energy, 2007, para. 2). The electrochemical process is more complicated and requires photovoltaic (PV) cells to capture the solar energy and convert it into electricity. PV cells have many uses, including powering batteries or mechanical devices by absorbing the photons and creating a voltage. (Simon, 2007, p. 88) Silicon in the PV conductors absorbs photons, but sometimes impurities are added to create a charge. Phosphorous is added to create negatively charged silicon and boron is added to create positively charged silicon in... the Sun. Retrieved July 31, 2007 from National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2007). Solar Research. Retrieved July 28, 2007 from Nersesian, Roy L. (2007). Energy for the 21st Century. New York: M.E. Sharp. Simon, Christopher A. (2007). Alternative Energy. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. United Nations Development Programme. (2002). Energy for Sustainable Development. New York: UNDP. U.S. Department of Energy. (2007). Solar Energy Technologies Program. Retrieved July 28, 2007 from Van Wyk, Anita. (2005). Solar Energy Advantages Disadvantages. Retrieved August 1, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Solar Power. Retrieved July 31, 2007 from Solar Power Essay -- Alternative Energy Clean Photovoltaic Cells Panel Solar Power: An Alternative Energy Source Since first discovered in the 1860s, the concept of storing energy from the sun to use as a source of power has been studied and pursued by many programs. Either using solar collectors or photovoltaic cells, the methods of using solar power are becoming more efficient and cost-effective. Solar technology is currently being used by homes and businesses, but is still too expensive and risky for many residents. Researchers are still making advances to solar technology for it to be a feasible energy source in the future. Solar energy was first started in the 1860s when Auguste Mouchout and William Adams found a way for storing solar radiation into tanks of water. Since then, there have been improvements to the processing of solar energy, which has been split into two categories: agricultural based and electricity based. The agricultural method, otherwise known as thermal solar energy, uses the sunlight to heat liquid and power steam engines. Solar collectors can be used on houses or business buildings to store the energy. Different types of solar collectors are flat-plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors and integral collector storage systems (US Department of Energy, 2007, para. 2). The electrochemical process is more complicated and requires photovoltaic (PV) cells to capture the solar energy and convert it into electricity. PV cells have many uses, including powering batteries or mechanical devices by absorbing the photons and creating a voltage. (Simon, 2007, p. 88) Silicon in the PV conductors absorbs photons, but sometimes impurities are added to create a charge. Phosphorous is added to create negatively charged silicon and boron is added to create positively charged silicon in... the Sun. Retrieved July 31, 2007 from National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2007). Solar Research. Retrieved July 28, 2007 from Nersesian, Roy L. (2007). Energy for the 21st Century. New York: M.E. Sharp. Simon, Christopher A. (2007). Alternative Energy. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. United Nations Development Programme. (2002). Energy for Sustainable Development. New York: UNDP. U.S. Department of Energy. (2007). Solar Energy Technologies Program. Retrieved July 28, 2007 from Van Wyk, Anita. (2005). Solar Energy Advantages Disadvantages. Retrieved August 1, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Solar Power. Retrieved July 31, 2007 from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Invasive Species Climate Change And Aquatic Ecosystems Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate alteration and invasive species have been a disputing job in this planetary alteration. When many emphasiss act in synergy they may finally hold unexpected and irreversible effects for the native communities and besides may impact economically valuable human activities such as piscaries in a peculiar part ( Ambrogi, 2007 ) . To avoid and minimise impact of invasive species, appropriate sensing and control should be find to accomplish optimal consequence, include sing influence of clime alteration. This paper attempt to give general overview of the consequence of clime alteration on invasive species, started with reexamining consequence of clime alteration on aquatic ecosystem, so specific to aquatic invasive species ( AIS ) peculiarly the consequence of altered thermic government, and eventually place steps to be taken. Invasive species, clime alteration and aquatic ecosystems As defined in Executive Summary of the National Invasive Species Management Plan ( NISMP ) the term invasive species is â€Å" a species that is non-native to the ecosystem under consideration and whose debut causes or is likely to do economic or environmental injury or injury to human wellness † ( NISC, 2006 ) . Raaymakers ( 2007 ) has observed that homo has contributed in the procedure of species dispersal every bit long as they have sailed across the seas ; moreover, in modern times with canal development, motion of big Marine construction, marine being attached to drifting marine dust, flight of species from fish tank, and ballast H2O and hull fouling of commercial transportation. Natural scientists besides have determined that human activities have become dominant force in act uponing clime, greatly exceeds the influence by natural procedure such as volcanic eruption and solar alterations. Incoming solar radiation and out-going infrared ( thermic ) radiation that are portion of Earth ‘s energy balance are altered by nursery gases and aeroA ­sols. The overall consequence of human activities on clime has been a warmA ­ing influence ( IPCC, 2007 ) . Ecosystem was influenced by clime in many ways ; some are more vulnerable and sensitive than other. Animal, workss and micro-organism lives are strongly attuned in clime, for illustration temperature fluctuation ; sum, timing or signifier of precipitation ( Committee, 2008 ) . In aquatic system, Rahel and olden ( 2008 ) province that warmer H2O temperatures, shorter continuance of ice screen, altered streamflow forms, increased salinization, and increased demand for H2O storage and conveyance constructions is projected as consequence of clime alteration. As an illustration, in instance of US aquatic ecosystem, Poff, Brinson & A ; Day ( 2002 ) sum up several of import points sing possible impact of clime alteration, such as exposure of aquatic and wetland ecosystems to climate alteration, displacement in thermic suitableness of aquatic home grounds for occupant species by increasing of temperature, and negative effects caused by seasonal displacements in watercourse overflow. However, in their research, most specific ecological response to climate alteration can non be predicted because of new combinations of native and non native species interaction in fresh status. Climate alteration induced on ecosystem conditions besides can enable spread of invasive species through both range enlargement and creative activity of home grounds and conditions suited for freshly introduced invasive species. Research on clime alteration and invasive species is limited ; nevertheless, many surveies on possible climate-change impacts to aquatic systems and AIS exist ( US-EPA, 2008 ) . Consequence of clime alteration on aquatic invasive species AIS can do broad scope of ecological impacts, including loss of native biodiversity, altered home grounds, alterations in H2O chemical science, altered biogeochemical procedures, hydrological alterations, and altered nutrient webs ( US-EPA, 2008 ) . Gritti in Hellmann ( 2008 ) noted that due to its pervasiveness and possible consequence on cardinal biological procedure, clime alteration will interact with other bing stressor to impact distribution, spread, copiousness and impact of invasive species. Altered conditions such as increased atmospheric C dioxide, modified precipitation governments, warming ocean and coastal currents, increased ambient temperature, and altered nitrogen distribution can increase invasive species success in some contexts. Increased temperatures and altered precipitation governments are likely to hold larger effects on AIS than increasing degrees of C dioxide ( US-EPA, 2008 ) . In general, figure 1 shows classification of aquatic system features that will be altered by clime alteration and how these alterations will impact invasive species. Figure 1. Features of aquatic system that will altered by clime alteration and how these alterations will impact invasive species ( Rahel, 2008 ) As identified by several researches mentioned supra, there are many altered status which perchance influence AIS ; nevertheless, this paper will merely concentrate to reexamine the consequence on AIS by altered thermic government. Consequence of altered thermic government on aquatic invasive species Since most aquatic beings are poikilothermic, temperature is of import in their physiology, bionenergetics, behaviour, and biogeography. Warmer clime will spread out the geographic countries with suited temperatures for warmwater aquaculture, tropical fish civilization, and out-of-door H2O gardens ( Rahel, 2008 ) . For illustration, McCauley in Rahel ( 2008 ) identified that optimum temperatures for aquaculture of mudcat are projected to travel 240 km northerly in the southeasterly US for every 1i‚ °C addition in average one-year air temperature. Change in likeliness of invasive species that will be established besides caused by H2O temperatures warmwith climate alteration. Fish are frequently classified into thermic clubs based on temperature tolerance. Coldwater temperatures can be viewed as a filter that prevents warmwater-adapted species from set uping self-sufficient populations. This filter is decreasing, and warmwater species could distribute to new countries ( Rahel, 2008 ) . Warming H2O temperatures may besides do thermic lake stratification governments, ensuing in earlier commixture and phytoplankton blooms that may change zooplankton development. Changes to timing of zooplankton reproduction and/or copiousness could prefer certain species over others and have possible negative effects for aquatic ecosystems ( Winder in US-EPA, 2008 ) . Furthermore, Rahel ( 2008 ) province that â€Å" altered thermic governments could intercede the impacts of established non-native species on native species through displacements in competitory laterality between native and nonnative species, increased ingestion of native quarry species by non-native marauders, or increased effects of non-native parasites on native species. † Water temperature raise their nutrient ingestion rate until thermally nerve-racking conditions are reached. This status could amplify impacts of non-native marauders on native quarry species. Marcogliese in Rahel ( 2008 ) besides conclude that clime heating may increase virulency of nonnative parasites and pathogens to native species through leting disease beings finishing their life rhythm more quickly and achieve higher population densenesss. Another consequence of warming temperatures may be an addition in figure of sexual versus nonsexual generative periods for works species, ensuing in increased rates of spread. Diaz-Amela in US-EPA ( 2008 ) associated the blossoming rhythms of a Mediterranean seagrass to warming H2O temperatures. Rahel ( 2008 ) examined that most researcher focal point on how climate alteration will increase figure and badness of invasions. However, in specific instance, positive consequence in diminishing AIS besides exist ; for illustration, some invasive coldwater species may be unable to prevail under new clime conditions. However, since clime alteration has high possibility to alter ecosystems, the influence of clime alteration should be taking into consideration in finding sensing and control steps to pull off the menaces. Measures There are several steps sing Invasive species. It should be start with national scheme and supported by international co-operation. Then, early sensing and schemes for obliteration, containment, control and extenuation through mechanical, biological and chemical method should be developed ( GISP, 2001 ) . Sing clime alteration influence, supervising study can supply foundation for measuring combine effects of clime alteration and invasion by supplying baseline biotic and environmental status, though public-service corporation of a study depends whether the consequence are quantitative or qualitative, and other design consideration ( Lee, 2008 ) . Although clime alteration is planetary graduated table procedure, it has diverse regional manifestation. Ecological impact normally has local features and varies from topographic point to topographic point ( Committee, 2008 ) . To forestall farther effect that might be occurred, more research in each specific location should be conducted to explicate steps that can be taken sing this mater. There are several ongoing control plans for AIS that besides should be review related to climate alteration. For illustration, in instance of mechanical harvest home and weedkillers which used to command Eurasiatic watermilfoil in the littoral zone of lakes, and scouring or molluscicides which used to forestall clogging of H2O intake pipes by zebra mussels in the Laurentian Great Lakes, warmer H2O temperatures could let these and other invasive species to get down growing earlier in the twelvemonth and maintain growing subsequently into the autumn. Therefore, dearly-won control actions would necessitate to be implemented more often. Review besides have to be done for migration barrier building or step with cut downing solar input into watercourses by increasing shadowing from riparian flora ( Rahel, 2008 ) . Decision Human has contributed in doing clime alteration and AIS job. Measures have been developing to get the better of economic, environment and human wellness job caused by AIS. Since clime alteration has high possibility to alter ecosystem, it is an of import thing to see influence of clime alteration in pull offing hazard of AIS. Specifically, altered thermic government cause by clime alteration has altered pathway, change the likeliness of AIS constitution and switch competitory laterality between native and nonnative species or increased effects of non-native parasites on native species. Therefore, these alterations should be integrated in schemes for sensing, obliteration, containment, control and extenuation of AIS.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hubungan Tenaga Kerja

Individual project: Research current theories in employment relations I. Traditional perspectives on the employment relationship. Traditional perspectives are important because they express the different assumptions that other make about the nature of organization, the fundamental nature of the relationship between workers and employers, and the characteristics of the society within which work organization exist and function. The three views are most frequently referred to as the unitary, pluralist and Marxist perspectives.The Marxist/ radical perspective is sometimes referred to as the Conflict Model. Each offers a particular perception of workplace relations and will therefore interpret such events as workplace conflict, the role of trade unions and job regulation very differently. 2. 1 the unitary perspective In Unitary perspective, the organization is perceived as an integrated and harmonious whole with the ideal of â€Å"one happy family†, where management and other membe rs of the staff all share a common purpose, emphasizing mutual cooperation.Furthermore, unitary has a paternalistic approach where it demands loyalty of all employees, being predominantly managerial in its emphasis and application. 2. 2. 1 management style management’s right to manage and make decision is seen as rational, legitimate and acceptable to all ( Salamon 1987) its mean there is only one source of power and authority. 2. 2. 2 roles of parties For the management have to provide good communication skill and also strong leadership skill. The employees roles should be loyal to organization and management. 2. 2. employment relations perspective The aggressive style of management (strong emphasis on HRM such commonality and organizational goal) that can promote the avoidance or marginalization of trade unions 2. 2. 4 weakness/critisms A narrow approach that neglects cause of conflict, fails to explain the prevalence of conflict within organization. Assumption that all man agement decisions are rational and will take care of employee needs.Does not take account for uneven distribution of power among employees and employers in the decision making process. . 2. 5 a unitary perspective, which informs in human resource management (HRM) HRM also knew as modern form that approach by unitarism perspective to industrial relations characteristics, that is. The management of the employment relationship primary from the perspective of the employer. This can be refer in the main focus of HRM. Such as plan human resource requirement, recruit and hire employees, train and manage employee performance, reward employees and dismissal or retire employee. The two main forms within the HRM approach are known as: . Soft HRM is developmental humanism, 2. Hard HRM is instrumental integration of employees into company objective. This two perspective to HRM can also be seen as the best practice approach and contingency approach. 2. 2 the pluralism perspective In The pluralism perspective the manager approve foster freedom of expression and the development of groups, which establish their own norms and choose their own informal leaders. Organization Power is diffused among the main bargaining groups within the employment relationships (no-one dominates).Because of the power and control arise in several areas of the organisation and loyalty is commanded by the leaders of the groups, which are often in competition with each other for resources. Pluralist perspective regards conflict as inevitable because employers and employees have conflicting interests; trade unions are seen as a legitimate counter to management authority. This is mean, represents good leadership, although sometimes it can be difficult to achieve the necessary balance, in which the interests of all stakeholders have to be taken into account.The management style under pluralist perspective focuses on consensus building. However, according to Rensis Likert, when employees become involved i n solving work-related problems and making decisions, they become involved in what they are doing and committed to the achievement of successful outcomes (Likert, 1961). 2. 3. 6 roles of parties Management will attempt to reconcile conflicting and keep the conflict within acceptable bound so that does not destroy the organization. Employees will accept mutual adjustment and will constantly push for their own goals . 3. 7 employment relations perspective The role of government was to develop and manage the framework and, through legislation, to ensure that conciliation or arbitration was available to the parties to achieve a binding consensus. 2. 3. 8 weakness/critisms The concept of pluralism is inextricably linked to the idea of democracy (Flanders 1965). The reality is that workplace is not a democracy. In Power context is not evenly diffused: it is typically weighted towards management in the workplace.Pluralist thinking lends itself to the conclusion that there is a simple and s traightforward set of processes that resolve conflict, and that conflict can be readily managed through rules, regulations and processes. 2. 3. 9 a pluralist perspective, leading to ‘ neo-institutional’ approaches. Neo-institutional approach emerged in an attempt to extend the pluralist thingking for the role of ‘rule making’ in the employment relationship. they have Two type of the rules : formal / informal rules, substantive/ procedural rules.And this rules are made as a result of the forces and imperatives of capitalst social relations, in society and workeplace. And some others features. 2. 3 marximst perspective The radical or Marxist perspective sees industrial conflict as an aspect of class conflict. The solution to worker alienation and exploitation is the overthrow of the capitalist system. 2. 4. 10 general philosophy Inherent and irreconcilable conflict. 2. 4. 11 management style Management is focused upon extracting the maximum amount of labour f rom the workforce.Under modern capitalism, this seen more sophisticated managerial applications such as TQM or HRM. 2. 4. 12 roles of parties Roles employees challenging management control in demand and obtain as much as they can. For employers to make extract as much as possible 2. 4. 13 employment relations perspective The Marxist perspectives argue that the balance of power between capital and labour promoted in the pluralist perspective is illusionary (Salamon 1987). In the context of power relations, a balance is achieved through the implicit knowledge that employers can withdraw their capital and employees cab withdraw their labour. . 4. 14 weakness/critisms Preoccupied with conflict: obscures any cooperation or shared goals between management and workers. Capital is not homogenous: competition among capitalists. The theory was formulated at a time when labour did not have a representative political view. 2. 4. 15 radical perspective, which enables a ‘labour process†™ approach. Because management’s goals and labor’s goals are in the long term—opposed, it cannot also be assumed that management will be able to capture all of the potential labour. Management is obliged to seek increased effort.Labour may not always agree, especially when the extra effort only goes to making increased profits for the employer. Because the employment relationship is open-ended, management needs some system of controlling and improving labour effort, and the relationship is constantly renegotiated. Braverman identified the first major method through which management sought to control labour, such as Productivity through deskilling labour. Braverman also argued that Taylorism and scientific management are strategies to maximise the conversion of potential into actual labour, by simplifying the work process and minimizing employee discretion.Some researchers argued that Braverman oversimplified the complexity of management’s strategies. Fr iedman, for example, argued that management could either use ‘direct control’ as outlined by Braverman or it could use more sophisticated, commitment-based strategies.IV. references books: * Teicher, J. , Holland, P. , and Gough. R (Eds. ), (2006). Employee Relations Management, 2nd Edition. French Forest, NSW: Prentice-Hall. * Nankervis, A. , Compton, R. , and Baird, M. (2008) Human Resource Management: strategies & precesses, South Melbourne : Cengage Learning Australia. Stone, R. J. (2008). Human Resource Management. (6th ed. ). Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. * De Cieri, H. , Kramar, R. , Noe, R. A. , Hollenbeck, J. R. , Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. M. (2005). Human Resource Management in Australia (2nd ed. ). Australia: McGraw-Hill. * Dessler, G, (2004). Human Resource Management. (10th Ed. ), New Jersey: Prentice Hall. * Dessler, G. , Griffiths, J. & Lloyd-Walker, B. (2007). HRM. (3rd Ed. ), Australia: Pearson Education. * Sappey, R. , Burgess, J. , Lyons, M. & Buultjens, J. (2009). Industrial Relations in Australia Work and Workplaces (2nd ed. ). Australia: Pearson.Online resource:  http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_resources,+Pluralism,+and+Human+Resource+Management+in+Germany-a057816024 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Industrial_relations http://www. brighthub. com/office/project-management/articles/77199. aspx

American Heart Association

According to American Heart Association website aha. org, lack of information about heart disease led to the thinking that a heart patient was doomed and ought to take complete bed rest.In 1915 a pioneering group of physicians and social workers formed an Association for â€Å"Prevention and Relief of Heart Disease in New York City† and investigate the possibility of their return to work. In 1920s these groups evolved into heart associations in Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. In 1924 six cardiologists namely Dr. Lewis A. Conner and Dr. Robert H.  Halsey of New York; Dr. Paul D.White of Boston; Dr. Joseph Sailer of Philadelphia; Dr. Robert B. Preble of Chicago; and Dr. Hugh D. McCulloch of St. Louis affiliated to different groups founded a national organization – American Heart Association to â€Å"share research findings and promote further study. † In addition Dr. James B. Herrick of Chicago and Dr. William S. Thayer of Baltimore were instrumental in early p lanning. In 1946 AHA received $50,000 donation from American Legion for conducting research and â€Å"develop a community rheumatic fever program.† In 1948 AHA reorganized by recruiting non-medical volunteers with skills in business management, communication, public education, community organization and fund raising to broaden its scope and operations. Later this year AHA made public debut through network radio contest programs â€Å"The Walking Man,† on the â€Å"Truth or Consequences† hosted by Ralph Edwards receiving contributions and guesses from millions of Americans earning $1. 75 million and identifying Jack Benny as the â€Å"Walking Man. † American Heart Association divisions were organized all over the country by a small national staff in New York City.A first national fund-raising campaign was launched in February 1949 and an amount of $2. 7 million was raised. Since then the organization has developed in leaps and bounds in all respects such a s financial resources, involving medical and non-medical volunteers, size and influence. The National Center of AHA was shifted to Dallas in 1975 from New York City for serving the affiliates and local divisions in a better way. These affiliates are led by volunteers and form a national network of local AHA organizations involved in various activities such as research, education, community programs and fund raising for the organization.The organization laid emphasis on cardiovascular science, cardiovascular education, community programs and fund raising efforts. AHA could achieve better research standards, newer healthcare site modules and also developed various new cookbooks. Inclusion of women and minorities in the leadership ranks paid off by providing a chance to understand impact of heart disease and stroke on women and minorities. The organization created new divisions for dealing with stroke and emergency cardiac care.In order to economize and provide wider publicity the asso ciation decided to outsource the scientific journals and publish them online. In March 1995 the AHA adopted a strategic driving force which describes the usage resources to support its mission. The driving force can be described in five parts as follows: †¢ Credible information services and products on heart disease and stroke †¢ Multiple distribution channels to meet customers’ needs †¢ Consumer markets restricted to the United States †¢ Prioritization relative to risk †¢ Science and community mobilization as foundation.The strategic driving force of the organization can be described as â€Å"Effecting change by providing information and solutions for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke in people of all ages, with special emphasis on those at high risk. † Impact goal of the organization is to reduce coronary heart disease, stroke and risk to 25 per cent by the year 2010. Indicators of the impact goal being the fo llowing: ? Reduced death rate from coronary heart disease and stroke by 25 percent ? Reduced prevalence of smoking, high blood cholesterol and physical inactivity by 25 percent? Reduced rate of uncontrolled high blood pressure by 25 percent ? Elimination of the growth of overweight and diabetes. The AHA has its National Center at Dallas, Texas and 12 affiliate offices covering the US and Puerto Rico with the operations being divided into seven main areas as stated below (a rough outline of each area are mentioned below): 1. Office of the CEO: Administration, Communications, Legal, Food Certification and Consumer publications. 2. Advocacy: Public Advocacy (Washington, D. C. ), Health Initiatives and Field Advocacy (State/Local Public Policy) and Minority initiatives.3. Corporate Operations: Finance, Human Resources, Production and Distribution and Audit and Consulting Services. 4. Field Operations and Development: Development, Major Donor Development, Corporate Relations, Strategic A ccounts, Emergency Cardiovascular Care Programs and American Stroke Association. 5. Healthcare Markets: American Stroke Association, Strategic Alliances, and Patient Education. 6. Science Operations: Research Administration and Scientific Publishing, Science and Medicine, Professional Education, Scientific Meetings and Marketing and Patient Education.7. Technology and Customer Strategies: Customer Relations, Digital Strategies and Information Technology. Three stake holders affected due to agency’s action include American Stroke Association, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the organizations publishing the scientific journals for AHA. In concluding remarks I would like to state that American Heart Association as discussed above has risen from a small association to a major one with well planned set of activities and functions.The organizational structure depicts stability with excellent services to mankind and is bound to gain recognition internationally in times to come. References History of the American Heart Association. American Heart Association (2007). Retrieved on February 09, 2007 from: http://www. americanheart. org/presenter. jhtml? identifier=10860 Organizational Structure. American Heart Association (2007). Retrieved on February 09, 2007 from: http://www. americanheart. org/presenter. jhtml? identifier=11282

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Beautiful Mind †Schizophrenia Essay

If you ever wondered and wanted to experience how a person with schizophrenia thinks and acts, then; a beautiful mind is the perfect movie to see to get an elaborate point of view of a person who struggles with schizophrenia in their everyday life. In this movie the depiction of schizophrenia is described as a person who lives out their life thinking and believes that there’s an actual living person they talk to, but in reality it’s just delusions and hallucinations they are experiencing. The features and symptoms displayed in this film that help identified the main characters’ disorder were hearing, seeing, and feeling things that weren’t actually there. It then progressed to anger and anxiety, which I believe was due to encountering events or a series of events that participated later along the characters life. As the characters symptoms seem to get worse he was then delivered and brought to use insulin coma therapy, which I read by psychiatric consultant, Max Fink, in Psychiatric News, â€Å"The primary treatment he received was insulin coma therapy, which along with ECT was the only treatment that had demonstrated any impact on schizophrenia symptoms by the time of his illness†. See more: Distinguish between problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping Essay After undergoing many treatments in the psychiatric hospital he then eventually stopped taking the medications and treatments do to memory loss, which prevented him from solving the difficulty math problems he was accustom to do in his early years. As a result it leads him back to madness state of hallucinations and delusions of schizophrenia.